52 on Friday – Action

We headed to Watertown, NY this week, or as the locals call it, the North Country!  It is still very much winter up here – lots of snow and temperatures well below freezing (it was -21 this morning…burrrr.)   It is absolutely gorgeous here in the winter and getting outside to enjoy God’s beauty is a real treat, not to mention a dog photographer’s dream.  Strap on the snowshoes, grab my camera, whistle for Harvey and we are off!

The theme for this weeks BBN 52 Week Project is – ACTION!

Dog Photography Thompson Park Watertown NY






One of Harvey’s most favorite things to do is roll in the snow.  Seriously, he can’t get enough of the white stuff – every time we go out, he rolls…


and rolls



and rolls some more



Yes, I think it is safe to say that this little guy is a big fan of winter!  Watertown-NY-Pet-Photographer

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Next up in our blog ring is Tara, of In Between the Blinks in Raleigh, NC.

Until next time, have joy in your heart, a smile on your face, and a dog by your side!





13 Responses

  1. Pat Corl

    I LOVE the shots of him rolling in the snow!

  2. Great shots! Love the setting 🙂

  3. Adore the one of his paw up. Hope you are having fun with the family.

  4. Harvey!!!!! You are a very HAPPY little snowplow and we looooooove your fur coat! 😉

  5. WOW, those are great shots of Harvey! Love them!

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My Clients Say…

“I just love every photo Bonnie took because she was able to capture Mana’s personality so perfectly and I can’t wait to work with her again and get some more great shots of Mana!”
– Andi

“Bonnie will work tirelessly to capture that perfect photo that will hang on your wall and live in your heart forever.”
– Lynnette


“All I can say is ‘Wow!’ We opened the box and were amazed at the beautiful photo with Mana as the star! It is truly a work of art, Bonnie! Thank you so much…”
– Ginger

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  • Kailua, Hawaii

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